Key Sector: Banking, Financial Services

Contact Details

Telephone Number : 0912222
Fax Number : 0213333
Mobile Number : 0912222
Primary Contact Person : Alalem
Secondary Contact Person : Wesam


Adam Smith International is a leading international advisory firm that works throughout the world to help reform and improve economies and institutions.


Adam Smith International was founded in 1992 in response to the growing international interest in practical advice on economic and government reform. We are now a leading independent governance and economic consultancy. We are based in London, Delhi and Nairobi and have project offices throughout the world.

Our aim is to apply our professional and consulting skills in the fight against poverty and for economic growth in countries where there is a pressing need for good governance, economic and social change. We work throughout South Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the Caribbean, South East Asia and East Europe. We provide high quality governance and economic thinking underpinned by practical support for ministers, officials and citizens at all levels.

We have an international reputation for providing authoritative technical expertise and for being pragmatic and committed to getting things done, often in the most difficult circumstances. We have a long-established reputation and extensive experience of delivering development projects that work, and contribute to sustainable outcomes.

We undertake wide-ranging projects, which examine good governance, civil service reform, institutional capacity building, decentralisation, economic reform, as well as educational and social development.

Key to the way we work is the combination of our consultants’ world-class technical expertise with the exceptional project management and coordination skills of our core group of full time staff supported by a strong administration team. We ensure sustainable outcomes by putting a strong emphasis on the need to engage fully with our local partners. This reinforces our reputation as trusted advisers who work hard to understand local needs and practices, to tailor international experience to the local environment and to build the ownership needed to achieve lasting change.